LIVES 2020: Access the Abstract Book
You can now access ESICM LIVES Digital 2020 Abstract Book
LIVES 2020 has officially started on Sunday, 6 December and the congress’s outstanding scientific programme includes 1138 abstracts, 136 oral presentations and 1002 poster presentations, from more than 60 countries.
During the congress, the 30 Best oral Presentations will be showcased. Each day, 10 research will be presented and there will be a live discussion between each speaker and a moderator, afterward. Through a chat, the audience can also ask questions which will be picked by the moderator. Join the Best oral Presentations sessions on Channel Madrid: Monday and Tuesday, 14:15-15:15 hrs; Wednesday, 9:15-10:15 hrs.
All the abstracts (and other research) are to be published on Intensive Care Medicine Experimental (ICMx), ESICM open access journal specifically dedicated to translational research. You can also access ESICM LIVES Digital 2020 Abstract Book here.