Last updated : 24/10/2018 - 17 views


Immune system: The forgotten organ in intensive care


This morning, why not begin your congress day by delving into a potential research path for the future with Peter Pickkers? His keynote lecture will touch on how new, novel immunoprofiling techniques and immunotherapies could transform the way we personalise treatment for patients at the bedside.

In sepsis patients antibiotics target the pathogen, all other treatments focus on support of the host. As sepsis is defined as a life-threatening organ dysfunction caused by a dysregulated host response to an infection, immunotherapy targeting the patient’s immune reaction, might be at the break of dawn to further improve the outcome of ICU patients.

New immunoprofiling techniques will provide detailed information to facilitate novel personalised immunotherapies. In view of the lack of positive results following inhibition of inflammation in unselected sepsis patients, the only way to break this deadlock is by applying a personalised approach, which may well spark a third revolution. Therapeutic potential of immuno-adjuvant agents under investigation will be discussed.

~  Peter Pickkers

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Keynote Lecture ~ Immune system: The forgotten organ in intensive care

24.10.2018, 08:00 – 08:20, room PARIS

#LIVES2018 #sepsis