JL Vincent: Every minute counts with sepsis

Last updated : 20/09/2018 - 38 views

JL Vincent: Every minute counts with sepsis

Every minute counts with sepsis

icTV – LIVES 2017

In this interview with ESICM’s Sherry Scharff, Jean-Louis Vincent disputes the idea of the “Golden hour(s)” of care in treating patients with sepsis, insisting instead that every minute is important. He was an early and staunch proponent of the need to adapt the Surviving Sepsis Campaign (SSC) guidelines accordingly, and notably, the recently revised SSC Hour-1 bundle now recommends clear steps to diagnose and treat patients immediately on presentation or “Time zero” in the ED/ER, ICU or ward.

Visit here for more details on the the Surviving Sepsis Campaign Hour-1 bundle and to access resources such as the editorial, ICM Pulse video and reference tool.