Keynote, Abstracts & Hands-on Sessions: Why you should attend LIVES Forum 2018…

Last updated : 26/07/2021 - 1 views

Keynote, Abstracts & Hands-on Sessions: Why you should attend LIVES Forum 2018…

Join us in Madrid ~ May 3-5, 2018


This three day conference on Monitoring in Acute Respiratory Failure led by top experts in the field, will utilise differing clinical scenarios to demonstrate the various monitoring options for patients from the acute to the weaning phase of mechanical ventilation. 

LIVES Forum Committee member Claude Guérin highlights some key features that make this a novel conference for participants in this icTV video:


Do you want to be a part of this top intensive care event?

Discover the full LIVES Forum 2018 programme, submit an abstract (deadline is Feb 2nd @ 23:59 CET!) and register here.

This event has been accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME®) with 15 European CME credits (ECMEC®s).
