(icTV) EXPERTS OPINION ~ What is the delirium research agenda?

Last updated : 30/08/2021 - 12 views

(icTV) EXPERTS OPINION ~ What is the delirium research agenda?

What have been the major recent advances in delirium research and care?

Where do we go from here?


Editor-In-Chief-Elect Giuseppe Citerio discusses the recent article focused on the intensive care delirium research agenda in Intensive Care Medicine (ICM). For this evidence-based paper, a multinational and interprofessional group of clinicians and researchers from within the fields of critical care medicine, psychiatry, paediatrics, anesthesiology, geriatrics, surgery, neurology, nursing, pharmacy, and the neurosciences aimed to address 5 key questions related to current and future research and clinical practice related to this prevalent organ dysfunction in critically ill patients.

Read this free access paper in ICM: Pratik P. Pandharipande et al. The intensive care delirium research agenda: a multinational, interprofessional perspective. Intensive Care Med (2017) 43:1329–1339 DOI 10.1007/s00134-017-4860-7

Interested in reading the other topical research agenda papers from Intensive Care Medicine? Access the links here.

One of the LIVES 2017 Hot Topics presenters featured an important study on a possible preventative treatment for delirium. Find links to an icTV interview and a webcast of the presentation (free for members via e-LIVES):