Most Accessed Articles ~ Spring 2016

Last updated : 20/05/2016 - 32 views

Most Accessed Articles ~ Spring 2016

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If you've yet to delve into our OPEN ACCESS online journal dedicated to basic, translational and experimental research relating to all facets of critical illness, NOW IS THE TIME! We are delighted to share what your colleagues have deemed the hottest papers currently in Intensive Care Medicine Experimental (ICMx) below. 

ICMx: Top Five Most Accessed Articles

Review ~ Jerome Morel and Mervyn Singer. Statins, fibrates, thiazolidinediones and resveratrol as adjunctive therapies in sepsis: could mitochondria be a common target? Original publication: 17 April 2014

Research ~ David J Cain, Ana Gutierrez del Arroyo and Gareth L Ackland. Uncontrolled sepsis: a systematic review of translational immunology studies in intensive care medicine. Original publication: 27 February 2014

Methodology ~ Ido G Bikker, Wim Holland, Patricia Specht, Can Ince and Diederik Gommers. Assessment of ventilation inhomogeneity during mechanical ventilation using a rapid-response oxygen sensor-based oxygen washout method. Original publication: 16 April 2014

Research ~ Klaus Pfurtscheller, Stefan Ring, Elisabeth Beran, Erich Sorantin, Joachim Zobel, David Ganster, Alexander Avian and Gerfried Zobel. Effect of body position on ventilation distribution during PEEP titration in a porcine model of acute lung injury using advanced respiratory monitoring and electrical impedance tomography. Original publication: 31 January 2015

Research ~ Gonzalo Ferrara, Vanina S Kanoore Edul, Juan F Caminos Eguillor, Enrique Martins, Carlos Canullán, Héctor S Canales, Can Ince, Elisa Estenssoro and Arnaldo Dubin. Effects of norepinephrine on tissue perfusion in a sheep model of intra-abdominal hypertension. Original publication: 31 March 2015


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