ICM Update: Special Issue on Mechanical Ventilation

Last updated : 23/08/2021 - 27 views

ICM Update: Special Issue on Mechanical Ventilation

Win a free copy of ICM’s thematic Issue


Intensive Care Medicine is happy to announce the release of a Special Issue focused on Mechanical Ventilation.

The new thematic issue comprises editorials, review articles, original research and conference reports by prominent international experts, the most recent data and the best recommendations for daily clinical practice.

In the videos on the right, ICM Editor-in-Chief, Prof. Citerio, introduces the two guest editors, Prof. Samir Jaber (France) and Prof. Arthur S. Slutsky (Canada), who present the reasons behind this editorial choice and the highlights of the issue.

In the subsequent videos, some of the contributing authors briefly introduce their papers:

You can enjoy this special issue of ICM here or you can win of the 10 printed copies available for FREE!

ICM Twitter Contest: How does it work?

To participate in the 1st Intensive Care Medicine Twitter contest, you will need to:

  1. Choose an ICM article you have appreciated the most in the past years
  2. Read and summarize the paper to create a Twitter post.
  3. Publish the tweet

Do not forget! The following should also be (mandatory) included in your post:

  • a link to the article (you can find the link to open access PDF at the bottom of the article page):
    Share this article > get shareable link > copy to clipboard
  • a mention to Intensive Care Medicine @yourICM
  • the dedicated hashtag #ICMcontest

All tweets published in compliance with the above rules between 10-24 December will be considered.

The 10 most performing tweets will be awarded!

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