Letter ~ Marine Goudelin et al. Diagnostic capability of a next-generation, ultra-miniaturized ultrasound system in patients with cardiopulmonary compromise assessed using basic critical care echocardiography.
What’s New in Intensive Care ~ Fekri Abroug et al. Scorpion envenomation: from a neglected to a helpful disease?
Original ~ Li Weng et al. Sepsis-related mortality in China: a descriptive analysis.
Imaging in Intensive Care Medicine ~ M. Kindermans et al. Pulsatile bleeding after sternal bone marrow puncture.
Editorial ~ Lila Bouadma and Michael Klompas. Oral care with chlorhexidine: beware!
Original ~ D. D. Benoit et al. Outcome in patients perceived as receiving excessive care across different ethical climates: a prospective study in 68 intensive care units in Europe and the USA.
Original ~ Mengling Feng et al. Transthoracic echocardiography and mortality in sepsis: analysis of the MIMIC-III database.
What’s New in Intensive Care ~ Diamantis Plachouras et al. ECDC definitions and methods for the surveillance of healthcare-associated infections in intensive care units.
Editorial debate ~ Julien Demiselle et al. Is there still a place for the Swan–Ganz catheter? Yes.
Editorial debate ~ Jean-Louis Teboul et al.Is there still a place for the Swan–Ganz catheter? No.
Editorial debate ~ Daniel De Backer et al. Is there still a place for the Swan‒Ganz catheter? We are not sure.
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