ICM Online First: STARRT-AKI & Intensive Care Fundamentals

ONLINE FIRST (free access)
Impact of renal-replacement therapy strategies on outcomes for patients with chronic kidney disease: a secondary analysis of the STARRT-AKI trial
Bagshaw S.M. et al.
OPEN ACCESS ~ What’s new in intensive care
Close collaboration between pathologists and intensivists to understand (not just) coronavirus disease
Brochhausen C., Bein T. and Fineschiet V.
We wish you a smooth takeoff! Launching “Intensive Care Fundamentals”: an ESICM educational initiative for newcomers to intensive care unit
Duska F. et al.
Lasting legacy in intensive care medicine
The prediction of fluid responsiveness
Monnet X., Malbrain M. L. N. G. and Pinsky M.R.
Imaging in Intensive Care Medicine
Anti-PD-L1 therapy-associated hypophysitis and limbic encephalitis
Matthys A. et al.
Building a better machine learning model of extubation for neurocritical care patients
Ono S.
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