ICM Online First: pseudomonas aeruginosa ventilator-associated pneumonia

ONLINE FIRST (free access)
Comparison of 8 versus 15 days of antibiotic therapy for Pseudomonas aeruginosa ventilator-associated pneumonia in adults: a randomized, controlled, open-label trial
Bouglé A. et al.
Editorial (Erratum): Multistakeholder social media peer review and fixing slips
What’s new in intensive
Molecular diagnostics in severe pneumonia: a new dawn or false promise?
Conway Morris A. et al.
Cardiac manifestations in critically ill patients with COVID-19: do we really know what hit us?
Hjortrup P. B. et al.
Corticosteroids for severe community-acquired pneumonia: a story without an ending
Rochwerg B.
Right ventricular failure is strongly associated with mortality in patients with moderate-to-severe COVID-19-related ARDS and appears related to respiratory worsening
Evrard B. et al.
Systemic glucocorticoid use during ICU admission and symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder in intensive care unit survivors
van Gelder T. G. et al.
Family presence in adult intensive care units
The ICU Family Presence Investigators
From the Inside
“Please, keep resuscitating my son!” The story of Gabriel
Huynh G. et Garros D.
Lasting Legacy in Intensive Care Medicine
Oxygen targets
Young P. J. et al. Curtis J.R., Higginson I.J. and White D.B.
Integrating palliative care into the ICU: a lasting and developing legacy
Curtis J.R., Higginson I.J. and White D.B.
The legacy of the interprofessional family meeting
Kentish-Barnes N., Jensen H.I. and Curtis J.R.
In search of the Holy Grail: identifying the best PEEP in ventilated patients
Gattinoni L. et al.
Respective roles of hypercapnia and acidosis in acute distress respiratory syndrome
Dessap A. M. et al.
Confusion regarding the use of Natural Language Processing in ICU delirium assessment
van Diem-Zaal I. J. et al.
ICU organization and disparities in clinical trajectories and outcomes during the pandemic
Tassano Pitrowsky M. et al.
The need to define “who” rather than “if” for ECMO in COVID-19
Whebell S. et al.
Basic ultrasound skill for intensivists: future scope for expansion of the recommendations of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine
Kumar S. et al.
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