ICM Online First: partition of respiratory mechanics in ARDS patients

ONLINE FIRST (free access)
Partition of respiratory mechanics in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome and association with outcome: a multicentre clinical study
Chen L. et al.
Special Issue Insight
Machine-assisted nutritional and metabolic support
Reignier J., Arabi Y.M. and Preiser J-C.
Lasting Legacy in Intensive Care Medicine
Prone position in mechanically ventilated patients
Papazian L., Munshi L. and Guérin C.
What’s New in Intensive Care
Mental health morbidity, self-harm, and suicide in ICU survivors and caregivers
Fernando S.M., Ranzani O.T. and Herridge M.s.
Multistakeholder social media peer review and fixing slips
Poole D., De Jong A. and Citerio G.
Increased risk of central line-associated bloodstream infection in COVID-19 patients associated with dexamethasone but not with interleukin antagonists
Meynaar I.A. et al.
Shorter might not always be better: the case for longer antibiotic therapy for Pseudomonas aeruginosa pneumonia. Reply of the Editor in Chief
Citerio G.
Early ICU mobilisation predicting functional impairment at hospital discharge
Shah S.
Ten myths about Albumin: don’t forget the endothelium. Author’s reply
Joannidis M., Wiedermann C.J. and Ostermann M.
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