ICM Online First: new manuscripts published for the topical collection “ICU Toolbox”

Last updated : 22/03/2024 - 32 views

ICM Online First: new manuscripts published for the topical collection “ICU Toolbox”

ONLINE FIRST (free access)




Monitoring capillary refill time in septic shock
Hernandez G. et al

Caring for frail patients in the ICU: a multidimensional approach
Cecconi M. et al

Decolonization strategies against multidrug resistant organisms in the ICU
Povoa P. et al

OPEN ACCESS ~ Editorial
Knowing the ropes of vasopressor dosing: a focus on norepinephrine
Kattan E. et al

What’s New in Intensive Care
What’s new in VA-ECMO for acute myocardial infarction-related cardiogenic shock
Combes A. et al



OPEN ACCESS ~ Original
The role of centre and country factors on process and outcome indicators in critically ill patients with hospital-acquired bloodstream infections
Buetti N. et al

What’s New in Intensive Care
Bedside-available strategies to minimise P-SILI and VILI during ARDS
Roca O. et al

OPEN ACCESS ~ Correspondence
Rapid multiplex PCR panels for the management of ventilator-associated pneumonia: pondering strengths and weaknesses
Tomasello M. et al


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