ICM Online First: new manuscripts published for the topical collection “ICU Toolbox” and “My green ICU”

ONLINE FIRST (free access)
Positive end-expiratory pressure optimization in ARDS: physiological evidence, bedside methods and clinical applications
Battaglini D., Roca O. and FerrerR.
High-flow nasal cannula: evolving practices and novel clinical and physiological insights
Roca O., Li J. and Mauri T.
Less is more for greener intensive care
Bell K. J. L. and Stancliffe R.
A randomised controlled trial of a nurse facilitator to promote communication for family members of critically ill patients
Kentish-Barnes N. et al
A randomized clinical trial to evaluate the effect of post-intensive care multidisciplinary consultations on mortality and the quality of life at 1 year
Sharshar T. et al
Understanding the Disease
What intensivists need to know on cardiac dysfunction in critically ill cancer patients
Mokart D., Vieillard-Baron A. and Gilon D.
Visual Abstract
The new global definition of ARDS loses one of the first games: a chromatic advice
Skurzar S. et al
Rapid syndromic multiplex PCR panels for the management of ventilator-associated lower respiratory tract infections: pondering important limitations. Author’s reply
Kreitmann L. and Nseir S.
OPEN ACCESS ~ Correspondence
Non-occlusive mesenteric ischemia and intra-arterial vasodilatory therapy in severe shock and multi-organ failure: treating the untreatable?
Stahl K., Bode C. and David S.
OPEN ACCESS ~ Correction
Correction: The role of centre and country factors on process and outcome indicators in critically ill patients with hospital-acquired bloodstream infections
Buetti N. et al
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