ICM Online First: latest results from benzodiazepine, sepsis and life-supporting intervention studies

ONLINE FIRST (free access)
Vignon P., Charron C., Legras A. et al. CRICS-TRIGGERSEP Network
Sepsis subtypes and differential treatment response to vitamin C: biological sub-study of the LOVIT trial
Rynne J., Mosavie M., Masse M-H et al. LOVIT Investigators, the Canadian Critical Care Trials Group
Rynne J., Mosavie M., Masse M-H et al. LOVIT Investigators, the Canadian Critical Care Trials Group
Best clinical model predicting extubation failure: a diagnostic accuracy post hoc analysis
Rodríguez Villamizar P., Thille A. W., Márquez Doblas M. et al.
Rodríguez Villamizar P., Thille A. W., Márquez Doblas M. et al.
Shiotsuka J., Masuyama T., Uchino S. et al.
Beil M., Jacobs J. M. & Guidet B.
Metaxa V., Ostermann M. & Citerio G.
Greendyk R., Goligher E. C. & Slutsky A. S.
Tuinman P. R., Shi Z. & Heunks L.
What’s new: the Glasgow Coma Scale at 50—evolution and future directions
Newcombe V., Brennan P. M. & Citerio G.
Newcombe V., Brennan P. M. & Citerio G.
Thwaites L., Nasa P., Abbenbroek B. et al.
Narrative Review
Fernández S., Castro P. & Azoulay E.
Vlaar A. P. J., Myatra S. N. & Jung C.
Flower L., Waite A. A. C. et al. Proudfoot A. on behalf of the NEAT-ECHO Collaborators
Role of nuclear imaging techniques in the management of infections in critically ill patients
Genovese C., Mahida B., Rouzet F., Timsit J-F & Thy M.
Genovese C., Mahida B., Rouzet F., Timsit J-F & Thy M.
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