ICM Online First: giving a voice to patients at risk in ICU

Last updated : 30/06/2023 - 22 views

ICM Online First: giving a voice to patients at risk in ICU

ONLINE FIRST (free access)



Giving a voice to patients at high risk of dying in the intensive care unit: a multiple source approach
Kentish-Barnes N. et al.

Machine learning to predict poor school performance in paediatric survivors of intensive care: a population-based cohort study
Gilholm P. et al.

OPEN ACCESS ~ What’s New in Intensive Care
What’s new in intensive care: disease tolerance
Powell R.E., Soares M.P. and Weis S.

Curing coma: facing the real-world challenges
Wu L. et al. 

The importance of plausibility
Glassford N.J. and Bellomo R.


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