ICM Online First: excess mortality among non-COVID-19 surgical patients

ONLINE FIRST (free access)
Excess mortality among non-COVID-19 surgical patients attributable to the exposure of French intensive and intermediate care units to the pandemic
Duclos A. et al.
What’s New in Intensive Care
Introduction to an intensive care recycling program
Barbariol F. and Baid H.
Helmet trials: resolving the puzzle
Arabi Y.M., Patel B.K. and Antonelli M.
Understanding The Disease
Hemodynamic impact of prone position. Let’s protect the lung and its circulation to improve prognosis
Vieillard-Baron A., Boissier F. and Pesenti A.
From the Inside
The certainty of parental love vs. the uncertainty of a “best” decision
Haj – Hassan T. and Mema B..
Relationship of multidrug-resistant bacterial colonization and immune status of patients in the ICU
Cheng U-T. et al.
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