ICM Online First: DSED for refractory VF

ONLINE FIRST (free access)
What’s New in Intensive Care
Double sequential external defibrillation for refractory ventricular fibrillation
Cheskes S., McLeod S. and Scales D.C.
Imaging in Intensive Care Medicine
Evolution of purpura fulminans
Contou D. et al.
Post-extubation noninvasive ventilation vs high-flow nasal cannula on reintubation in patients at very high risk for extubation failure. Author’s reply
Hernandez G.
Correction: Partition of respiratory mechanics in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome and association with outcome: a multicentre clinical study
Chen L. et al.
Correction: Intracranial pressure: current perspectives on physiology and monitoring
Hawryluk G.W.J. et al.
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