ICM Online First: CRKP, novel sepsis subphenotypes & secondary peritonitis
ONLINE FIRST (free access)
Poor timing and failure of source control are risk factors for mortality in critically ill patients with secondary peritonitis
De Pascale G. et al.
Development and validation of novel sepsis subphenotypes using trajectories of vital signs
Bhavani S.V. et al.
Small wards in the ICU: a favorable measure for controlling the transmission of carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae
Chi X. et al.
Understanding the Disease
Management of diabetic ketoacidosis
Besen B.A.M.P., Ranzani O.T., Singer M.
What’s new in Intensive Care
Awake prone positioning
McNicholas B.A., Ehrmann S., Laffey J.G.
Lasting Legacy in Intensive Care Medicine
Bronchoscopy for diagnosis of ventilator-associated pneumonia
Martin-Loeches I., Chastre J. and Wunderink R.G.
Before AKI, renal microcirculation stress may be detected by urine biochemistry
Schmitt J. et al.
Before AKI, renal microcirculation stress may be detected by urine biochemistry. Author’s reply
De Vlieger G., Forni F., Schneider A.
A call to measure family presence in the adult intensive care unit
Stelfox H.T. et al.
Early prognostic value of non-invasive intracranial pressure methods in brain-injured patients
Robba C. et al.
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