May 25, 2018

Intensive Care Medicine journal



What’s New in Intensive Care ~ 
R. T. Mankowski et al. Long-term impact of sepsis on cardiovascular health.
Original ~ 
Mieke Deschepper et al. Effects of chlorhexidine gluconate oral care on hospital mortality: a hospital-wide, observational cohort study.
Review ~ 
Antoine Vieillard-Baron et al. Diagnostic workup, etiologies and management of acute right ventricle failure.
Review ~ 
Spyros D. Mentzelopoulos et al. Ethical challenges in resuscitation.
Imaging in Intensive Care ~
 E. Ornelas et al. Massive coronary air embolism after CT-guided lung needle biopsy.
Letter ~ 
Aude-Marie Fourmont et al. The clinical features of cardiac involvement in patients with severe thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura.
Letter ~ 
Marine Peretti et al. Predictors of post-pneumonectomy respiratory failure and ARDS: usefulness of normalised pulmonary artery diameter.
What’s New in Intensive Care ~
 Mervyn Mer et al. Limiting consumption in tuberculosis: current concepts in anti-tuberculosis treatment in the critically ill patient.


Interested in reading more new ICM papers? Find more ONLINE FIRST articles on the ICM website, here.

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