ICM ~ The newest ONLINE FIRST articles
Editorial debate ~ Jean-François Timsit and Matteo Bassett. Antipathy against SDD is justified: Yes.
Editorial debate ~ Luciano Silvestri et al. Antipathy against SDD is justified: No.
Editorial debate ~ Michael Quintel et al. Antipathy against SDD is justified: We are not sure.
Original ~ Elie Azoulay et al. Management and outcomes of acute respiratory distress syndrome patients with and without comorbid conditions.
Original ~ Andrew Conway Morris et al. Cell-surface signatures of immune dysfunction risk-stratify critically ill patients: INFECT study.
Original ~ Kamal Maheshwari et al. The relationship between ICU hypotension and in-hospital mortality and morbidity in septic patients.
What’s New in Intensive Care ~ Lara Zafrani et al. Does this patient with thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura have a cardiac involvement?
Review ~ Daniel I. Sessler and Ashish K. Khanna. Perioperative myocardial injury and the contribution of hypotension.
Paediatric Original ~ Mark J. Peters et al. Conservative versus liberal oxygenation targets in critically ill children: the randomised multiple-centre pilot Oxy-PICU trial.
Review ~ Djillali Annane et al. A global perspective on vasoactive agents in shock.
Editorial ~ Michael Joannidis and Eric Hoste. Angiotensin inhibition in patients with acute kidney injury: Dr. Jekyll or Mr. Hyde?
Review ~ Jerry P. Nolan et al. The present and future of cardiac arrest care: international experts reach out to caregivers and healthcare authorities.
Systematic Review ~ Valentine Léopold et al. Epinephrine and short-term survival in cardiogenic shock: an individual data meta-analysis of 2583 patients.
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