ICM ONLINE FIRST: a “short-list” of 5 valuable papers for you to read!

ONLINE FIRST (free access)
What’s new in Intensive Care ~ Supady A. et al. – Ten things to consider when implementing rationing guidelines during a pandemic
Original ~ Shehabi Y. et al. ~ Early sedation with dexmedetomidine in ventilated critically ill patients and heterogeneity of treatment effect in the SPICE III randomised controlled trial
Letter ~ Nguyen L.S. et al. – Potential role for interferon gamma in the treatment of recurrent ventilator-acquired pneumonia in patients with COVID-19: a hypothesis
Systematic review ~ Juschten J. et al. – Between-trial heterogeneity in ARDS research
Letter ~ Mongodi S. et al. – High prevalence of acute stress disorder and persisting symptoms in ICU survivors after COVID-19
Access articles from the ICM journal, here