September 14, 2023

New free webinar

Replay available


The “Humanising Critical Care Webinar Series” is an educational initiative focusing on how healthcare professionals can provide evidence-based, person-centred care in their daily practice to improve patient outcomes and experiences.

This session will explore a case study about an intensive care unit (ICU) room designed with sustainability principles and reflect on circular economy opportunities of ICU clinical supplies.

Webinar 6 Learning Objectives
  • To define environmental sustainability in intensive care with links to financial and social co-benefits.
  • To explore a case study about an intensive care unit room designed with sustainability principles.
  • To discuss materials and reflect on circular economy opportunities of intensive care clinical supplies.


Heather Baid
School of Sport and Health Sciences, University of Brighton (UK).

Skaraborg Hospital Region Västra Götaland (SE).

School of Applied Sciences, University of Brighton (UK).


NHS Lothian Scotland, Edinburgh (UK).

About the webinar series: Dates & Topics


  • 14 March ~ Sedation and opioid weaning: why ‘awake and aware’ and its challenges
  • 25 April ~ Early rehabilitation: how to dose early mobilisation?
  • 31 May ~ ICU diaries: how to keep a diary?
  • 28 June ~ What matters to patients and loved ones?
  • 12 July ~ Swallowing and communication: the way to a patient’s heart?


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