Got 5 minutes? Participate in one of our research surveys…!

Last updated : 30/05/2017 - 24 views

Got 5 minutes? Participate in one of our research surveys…!

OPEN SURVEYS ~ June 2017

We need your input!  

If you have 5-10 minutes to spare, we encourage you to participate in one of our research surveys covering important aspects of intensive care medicine. These open surveys, proposed by experts in the field, are endorsed by the ESICM Research Committee and offer a great opportunity to advance knowledge and often stimulate further research. 

  • ARISE: Antimicrobial Resistance in ICU – a Survey In Europe

This survey aims to determine the experiences of European physicians in the treatment of infections due to antibiotic-resistant bacteria and specifically in utilising last-line antibiotics.


  • ESICM 35th Anniversary Survey: Evolution in ICU 

To coincide with its 35th anniversary, the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine is launching a survey to examine how ICUs have evolved in terms of practice and organisation since the early 1980s. We hope that your experiences will provide some fascinating insight into how ICUs have evolved since the Society’s foundation.


  • Survey on the use of various ICU scoring systems

Scoring systems are recommended for use in ICUs by National as well as International ICU organisations, however, to date, we have little insight into the extent to which such scoring systems are actually used in ICUs, and which type of systems are preferred. This simple survey aims to compile useful feedback about the use of ICU scoring in European ICUs and beyond.


  • Intra-abdominal Hypertension and Abdominal Compartment Syndrome World Survey

This survey is part of a research project which aims to determine the impact, if any, of the 2013 World Society of the Abdominal Compartment Syndrome (WSACS) IAH/ACS Consensus Definitions/Clinical Management Guidelines, IAP measurement practices, on IAH/ACS clinical awareness and management. Results from this survey will be compared with those obtained from a similar survey conducted in 2007.


  • NAPMA: Nurse & AHP Membership Survey

We are interested as a society in the views of both our members and potential members on what membership means to you and how we can improve what we do. Your answers will help inform how we plan Nurse & Allied Health Professional activities going forward.


Thank you in advance for your participation!  

Want to learn more about ESICM endorsed surveys? Visit our webpage HERE