Fifth meeting of the EP Intensive Care Interest Group

Last updated : 08/04/2024 - 31 views

Fifth meeting of the EP Intensive Care Interest Group

The European Parliament welcomed the fifth meeting of its Intensive Care Interest Group


The European Parliament Interest Group on Intensive Care Medicine celebrated yesterday (2 April 2024) its fifth meeting. Reunited with Sirpa Pietikäinen (S&D MEP, Finland), Tomislav Sokol (EPP MEP, Croatia), and Radka Maxova (S&D MEP, Czech Republic), the gathering took place in the heat of the European Parliament in Brussels.

The topics discussed were the priorities for the next European Health Agenda and how policymakers can support healthcare professionals in intensive care medicine by improving working conditions and ensuring the success of the frontline services they provide to patients and families. Additionally, the EPIC-IG Manifesto was presented and signed by the MEPs and members of the ESICM Executive Committee. This Manifesto represents an unprecedented commitment among intensivists and policymakers to shine a light on Intensive Care-related topics and make it a priority within the wider European Health Union.

As reflected in the manifesto, the 5th meeting delved into topics that require special attention in the area of intensive care medicine. This ranged from raising greater awareness of the essence of intensive care medicine, the detrimental effect of mental health and burnout syndrome on healthcare professionals, the importance of free movement for an effective pan-EU intensive care workforce and solutions to providing greater education and funding in Member States so that Intensive care units receive the right resources to perform at the level which meets the demands of its patients.

The engagement of policymakers in the 5th meeting and support of ESICM’s manifesto is the cornerstone for the Intensivists in Europe and because of the European elections in June, will lay the foundation for continued dialogue with a new European Parliament with the aim of achieving the priorities outlined in the manifesto.


Check all the information about EPIC-IG


For any questions regarding the Interest Group or any media enquiries, please send an email to the Interest Group Secretariat at