4th EuroAsia Conference Taipei

12-13 September 2020, Taipei – NTUH International Convention Center
On behalf of the organizing committee, European Society of Intensive Care Medicine (ESICM), Taiwan Society of Critical Care Medicine (TSCCM) and Taiwan Society of Emergency and Critical Care Medicine (TSECCM), we would like to thank you for joining EuroAsia 2020 Taipei’s first global hybrid congress experience.
The conference attracted almost 3400 delegates and the feedback regarding the quality of the sessions has been favourable.
The virtual programme is now officially online! All the videos will be accessible to delegates until August 31st, 2021, by visiting the EuroAsia 2020 website.
We hope that you enjoyed the time with us! We look forward to seeing you again in future EuroAsia congress activities.
Maurizio Cecconi
ESICM President
Armand Girbes
ESICM Chair of the Division of Scientific Affairs
Co-organised with

Preliminary Programme
Practical Information
The physical part of the conference will be held at NTUH International Convention Center, Taipei. The joint annual congress of TSCCM and TSECCM will also take place at this venue.
NTUH International Convention Center
No. 2, Xuzhou Road, Taipei, Taiwan
We will keep you updated on the latest quarantine policy in Taiwan on the official website of EuroAsia 2020.
Co-organised with
Taiwan Society of Critical Care Medicine (email)
Taiwan Society of Emergency & Critical Care Medicine (email)
More information available on http://www.euroasia2020.org
EuroAsia 2020 is supported by
Hong Kong Society of Critical Care Medicine
Indian Society of Critical Care Medicine
Japanese Society of Intensive Care Medicine
Korean Society of Critical Care Medicine
Nepalese Society of Critical Care Medicine
Taiwan Association of Critical Care Nurses
Taiwan Neurosurgical Society
Taiwan Society of Anesthesiologists
Taiwan Society of Cardiology
Taiwan Society of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine
More information available on http://www.euroasia2020.org
Preliminary Programme
PDF version [August 19]
JPG version [August 09]
More information available on http://www.euroasia2020.org
EuroAsia 2020 Abstracts: see e-Posters
EuroAsia 2020 Abstract Awards
Four best abstracts have been selected by the Conference Committee to win a free registration for one of our forthcoming ESICM events (such as the LIVES Forum 2021, or LIVES 2021, or EuroAsia 2021):
Reclassifying severity after 48 hours could better predict mortality in acute respiratory distress syndrome
Chiu Li-Chung, Taiwan
The impact of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and inhaled bronchodilators on patients oucomte in patients after acute myocardial infarction
Huang Wei-Chun, Taiwan
The effects of hydroxychloroquine in hospitalized patients with COVID-19: updated meta-analysis with trial Sequential Analysis
Jhou Hong-Jie, Taiwan
Risk-Standardized Sepsis Mortality Map of the United States
Lee Hsin Ying, Taiwan
The abstract submission system closed on 15 July 2020, 23:59 CET. This abstract receipt deadline will remain firm and any abstracts received after the deadline will not be accepted. Abstract submitters received an e-mail confirmation immediately after submitting their abstract. If you did not receive this e-mail, please contact the Abstract Department.
The submitted abstracts have been examined anonymously by the Reviewers and Conference Committee. The authors have been informed of acceptance/rejection of their abstract by email end of August.
Physical registration will open soon following the updated policy of quarantine of Taiwan.
If you wish to attend the on-line conference, you will need to register first. We have decided to limit this section of the conference in order to ensure good quality internet access. You will be able to attend the plenary lectures, join the interactive sessions, and participate e-poster presentations via the on-line conference.
In order to attend the virtual part of the conference, you will need to register first. Here you can access recordings of the plenary lectures, interactive sessions, part of the master class programme, and all of the accepted abstracts. Access will remain available for 1 week after the physical conference has ended.
Registration Fee available here
More information available on http://www.euroasia2020.org