2nd EuroAsia Conference
Hong Kong_

Last updated : 08/11/2024 - 106 views

2nd EuroAsia Conference <br> Hong Kong_

11-14 April 2018, Hong Kong – Harbour Grand Kowloon Hotel

EuroAsia 2018 was our second conference outside Europe and drew an audience of over 400 delegates from 47 different countries.
The scientific programme was designed in close collaboration with national intensive care societies across Asia and included interactive master classes, case-based discussions with international experts, brand new research and networking events.


Watch this brief video featuring a few of the highlights of #EUASIA18:



Poster corners
Best abstracts

Scientific & Educational Programmes

Final programme
Master classes


As of Apr 3
Subject to change


Practical information
Hotel information
Social programme


Exhibitors / Sponsors


Thank you to all participants




Review Process

We thank the abstracts submitters and congratulate those selected. We also encourage the authors not selected to resubmit for LIVES 2018 in Paris.


Poster Corner 1 - Emergency and Neuro-Intensive Care

Poster Corner 2 - ICU Organisation and Outcome

Poster Corner 3 - Kidney and Metabolism

Poster Corner 4 - Outcomes and Quality Improvement

Poster Corner 5 - Respiratory Failure And Mechanical Ventilation

Poster Corner 6 - Sepsis and Cardiovascular Dynamics

Abstract Awards

Three best abstracts have been selected by the Conference Committee to win a free registration for one of our forthcoming ESICM events (such as the LIVES Forum 2018, or LIVES 2018, or EuroAsia 2019).

Abstract Reviewers

Once again, reviewers, who are top experts from a wide range of areas were tasked with ensuring the highest quality abstracts are selected and organised to create an interesting and varied cutting-edge scientific programme for EuroAsia 2018 in Hong Kong.
ESICM recognises and appreciates the important contributions of these busy specialists who offer their expertise and time to ensure that the programme for EuroAsia 2018 will not only meet, but surpass the scientific heights of past events.

Thank You to this amazing group of intensive care professionals: EuroAsia 2018 Abstract Reviewers

Scientific Programme

Scientific Programme & Accreditations

This event has been accredited by:

  • The European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME®) with 24 European CME credits (ECMEC®s). Each medical specialist should claim only those hours of credit that he/she actually spent in the educational activity.
  • The Hong Kong Academy of Medicine - for CME/CPD accreditation. For more information, please click here.

This event was also compliant with the MedTech Europe Code of Ethical Business Practice. For more information, please click here.

Educational Programme

Beyond BASIC mechanical ventilation: From the essentials to advanced respiratory support (joint master class between ESICM and the Chinese University of Hong Kong)

11 April 2018 & 12 April 2018 (1,5 day)


Massimo Antonelli
Giacomo Bellani
Anne Leung
Björn Weiss
Jozef Kesecioglu
Hans Flaatten
Gavin Joynt
Eunise Ho
Philip Lam
Gordon Choi


Respiratory monitoring
Obstructive airways disease
Adaptive support ventilation
Question and answer session
Respiratory waveform interpretation
Case discussion
Post-course MCQ test

The physiopathology of the ARF
Controlled mechanical ventilation: the principles
The correct strategy for ARDS treatment
Support therapy in ARDS
Steroids and new therapies
Let's put this in practice: Case-based discussion
Still any doubts? Open questions to the speakers

Haemodynamic monitoring - State of the art

12 April 2018 (1/2 day)


Jean-Louis Vincent
Maurizio Cecconi
Daniel De Backer
Jean-Louis Teboul


Circulatory failure: how to define, how to assess
Volmye status/volume responsiveness: how to assess?
Cardiac function, how to assess: echocardiography, others?
Vasopressors and inotropes: when to start, what to use?

How to integrate the haemodynamic variables for managing shock states?
Let's put this in practice: Case-based discussion
Still any doubts? Open questions to the speakers

Key issues in septic shock

12 April 2018 (1/2 day)


Armand Girbes
Jan De Waele
Jean-Louis Vincent
Charles Gomersall
Jozef Kesecioglu
Daniel De Backer
Jeffrey Lipman


Key elements of antibiotic therapy
Using biomarkers in sepsis management
Vasoactive agent in sepsis
Sepsis resuscitation: monitoring endpoints

Steroids - Any roles
Let's put this in practice: Case-based discussion
Still any doubts? Open questions to the speakers


12 April 2018 (1/2 day)


Marlies Ostermann
Lui Forni
Gordon Choi
Charles Gomersall
Jeffrey Lipman
Anne Leung


Diagnostic work-up of AKI
When to start and when to stop RRT
How to select RRT modality
Dose of RRT

Drug dosing during RRT
Let's put this in practice: Case-based discussion
Still any doubts? Open questions to the speakers


Industry Sponsors

Exhibitors / Sponsors

This event was compliant with the MedTech Europe Code of Ethical Business Practice. For more information, please click here.

Industry sponsored sessions, for more information, please click here.

Baxter Exhibitor
Biotest Major Sponsor
 Edwards  Major Sponsor
Fresenius Medical Care  Major Sponsor
Getinge Exhibitor
Intersurgical Exhibitor
LiDCO Sponsor
Nikkiso Exhibitor


Practical Information


Thank you again to all participants!

If you have any inquiries or questions, please do not hesitate to contact the ESICM Registration Department per telephone at +49 (0)3024603-319 or per email


Conference Department
For all information regarding the Conference, please contact:

European Society of Intensive Care Medicine (ESICM)
Rue Belliard 19
1040 Brussels, Belgium
Tel: +32 (0)2 559 03 50

EUROASIA 2018 -c/o K.I.T. Group GmbH
Association and Conference Management Group
Kurfürstendamm 71
10709 Berlin
Tel: +49 (0)30 24 603 319

K.I.T. Group GmbH, the official organising secretariat of EuroAsia 2018 is a MedTech Europe Trusted Partner and is committed to comply with MedTech Europe’s ethical standards.

Supporting Organisation


The Welcome Reception & Abstracts Sessions held on Thursday 12 April 2018 at 18:00 in the Foyer of Hotel Harbour Grand Kowloon, Level 1.

The Networking Event held on Friday 13 April 2018 between 19:30-21:30 at Hotel Harbour Grand Kowloon - Level 21/F.


ESICM had reserved hotel rooms at the Harbour Grand Kowloon Hotel Hong Kong with special rates for delegates.