Clinical course of children with acute liver failure admitted to the ICU

Last updated : 24/08/2022 - 23 views

Clinical course of children with acute liver failure admitted to the ICU

An ESICM Talk powered by the ICM Journal & the NEXT Committee


A recent outbreak of acute non-A-E hepatitis with serum transaminases greater than 500 IU/L identified in children under 16 years reported in the United Kingdom (UK) has become a serious cause for concern for public health authorities and paediatric liver and critical care services.

From 1 January to 16 May 2022, UK public health authorities have reported 197 cases with a median age of 3 years, male (50%), from all regions of the UK, with 11 children requiring liver transplantation (LT).

A letter to the editor was sent to the ICM journal, and in this podcast, you can listen to Dr Deep, Dr Dhawan, and Dr Verma relating their experience with this novel hepatitis.