ESICM Research Awards 2020

Last updated : 03/02/2020 - 0 views

ESICM Research Awards 2020

Platform for applications opens 3 February


The platform for applications for the ESICM Research Awards 2020 will open on Monday 3rd February. Applications can come from anyone who is a member of the Society.

Both junior and more established researchers will have until Monday 16 March to submit a short but comprehensive outline of their research projects using the online platform.

The awards range from Young and Established Investigator awards, to basic science; global ICU and Family Partnership orientated awards.

Members of the jury are external experts and members of the ESICM Research Committee. Projects are selected for review based on feasibility, methodology, research design and statistical plans.

The results will be announced in the Summer and successful recipients will be invited to attend the Award Ceremony, which will take place in Madrid during the Society’s annual congress, LIVES 2020.

For more information about the application procedure, guidelines and categories and to apply online, visit our webpage.