ATTENTION: NEXT members from POIC and TEM…

Last updated : 09/11/2016 - 13 views

ATTENTION: NEXT members from POIC and TEM…

Call for junior authors for new eLearning modules

Are you a NEXT member with an interest in perioperative intensive care and/or trauma and emergency medicine?

We are currently looking for authors (1) for the e-learning modules of the European Perioperative Intensive Care Curriculum: a training programme for healthcare professionals caring for the high-risk surgical patient (EPICC).

A small international group of ESICM members working within the Perioperative Intensive Care Section (POIC) aim to set up the EPICC as an educational programme for perioperative intensive care medicine, with a focus on management of high-risk surgical patients, and perioperative care of cardiac surgery, solid organ transplant and trauma patients. The EPICC will serve as an integral component of the educational tools available to those working in perioperative medicine.


Below is a list of topics that will correspond to the EPICC eLearning modules in the new ESICM Academy platform.

Choose a topic(s) of your interest and we will team you up with an experienced senior member of ESICM to create an eModule together. The new eLearning platform that the eLearning committee is creating will provide greater flexibility and creativity for our modules, so this call is a unique opportunity to bring in your new ideas on how to enhance this new educational programme.

Please send us a short CV and motivation letter (including your topics of interest) to asap. We plan to have the modules online on 01.03.2017. The EPICC team will provide guidance and support throughout the process. Bernardo Bollen Pinto and Dagmar Schulte will be your key contacts.

EPICC eLearning Modules:

A. Perioperative management of high-risk surgical patients:

  • The surgical stress response: Pathophysiology
  • Risk management for HRSP
  • Pain, agitation and delirium
  • Peri- and postoperative respiratory management
  • Haemodynamic management
  • Perioperative renal management
  • Gastro intestinal management
  • Blood and coagulation point of care
  • Perioperative infection management and sepsis
  • Perioperative care of the elderly patient
  • Communication and decision making in a multidisciplinary environment
  • Improving long time outcomes. Rehabillitation, Prehabillitation.
  • Patient flow and resource allocation

B. Perioperative care of the patient submitted to cardiac surgery:

  • Risk management
  • General perioperative care
  • Major complications

C. Perioperative care of the patient submitted to solid organ transplant:

  • Definitions and risk management
  • General perioperative care
  • Major complications
  • Care for the organ donor

D. Perioperative care of the trauma patient


Deadline for application: December 12th, 2016 10:00am CET
(1): Eligibility criteria are member in training or within 5 years of specialty qualification, member of POIC, TEM and/or NEXT, Trainee or Specialist in Intensive Care Medicine (all dual, joint, supra-specialty, stand alone specialties may apply).