Consultation Paper: Intensive Care Medicine as recognised under Annex V

Last updated : 15/01/2021 - 3 views

Consultation Paper: Intensive Care Medicine as recognised under Annex V


Dear Members of the Intensive Care Community,
Dear Friends and Colleagues,

We are happy to share with you information on the progress ESICM is making in the work with the European Commission regarding the Framework for free movement of intensivists in Europe and the integration of Intensive Care Medicine in the Annex V of the Directive 2005/36/EC on the recognition of professional qualifications.

We have shared with you the information in November 2020 that the European Commission addressed ESICM on that matter and asked us to provide feedback and a vision on how such a Framework could be established at European level.

ESICM provided the European Commission with an initial consultation paper, presenting a novel approach to Annex V. That novel approach takes into account the differences between national systems and aims at establishing paths for mutual recognition of qualifications between countries with comparable systems.

Since then, ESICM has talked to many stakeholders and conducted a consultation mission on this matter. Firstly with you, our members, but also with the representatives of various National and European Societies and Associations having interests in the matter.

That consultation mission resulted in a new version of the Consultation paper: “Intensive Care Medicine as recognised under Annex V”  which we are sharing with you today.

As you know, ESICM always advocates for a multidisciplinary approach in its work and this novel approach to Annex V is no exception. This approach both safeguards the multidisciplinary nature of the field, and creates the opportunity for freedom of movement to intensivists where possible in Europe for the benefit of the profession and the standard of patient care.

We endeavour to continue informing you on the progress of these talks and of our efforts in the matter.

Kind regards and stay safe,


Prof. Maurizio Cecconi                                             Prof. Jozef Kesecioglu                                                     Joël Alexandre
President of ESICM                                                  Past President of ESICM                                                CEO of ESICM