
Last updated : 01/10/2024 - 79 views

ESICM 2022 Research Awards

The ESICM Research Awards offer “something for everyone”, from junior to more experienced researchers, and from basic to clinical research.

270,000 euro available for eligible research projects in 2022!

The award ceremony took place on Tuesday  October 25th at 10:30 in the Grand Amphi (Palais des Congrès, Paris, France) on the occasion of the 35th ESICM Congress Lives 2022  (22-26 October 2022).

ESICM  Family Partnership Award

The project should cover families’ needs and expectations, care providers & patient interactions, long-term outcomes in ICU survivors. The plan should be conducted within a 12-month work period in a European country. We encourage N&AHP members to apply.

The Family Partnership Award allocates a grant amounting to 20,000€, which is fully funded by ESICM. 

2022 Awardee: Zahra Rahmaty “Post Intensive Care Syndrome in Swiss Pediatric survivors and their Families [PICSS-PF]: A Multi-center Prospective Cohort Study”.


Global ICU Award

The Global ICU Award aims at projects conducted in a Low & Middle Income Country. The projects should have an educational element focusing on improving patient care. Eligible Low & Middle Income Countries are based on the 2020 low and middle income countries list compiled by the World Bank and approved by the WHO.

The Global ICU Award allocates a grant amounting to 20,000€, which is fully funded by ESICM. 

2022 Awardee: Atul Philips “Education intervention to reduce caregiver burden in neurology-Intensive Care Survivors (ENABLE TRIAL)”.

ESICM Established Investigator Award

The Established Investigator Award supports the research activities of a senior physician/scientist active in clinical or basic research. It supports a research project conducted in Europe. The specific intent is to provide support for investigators who have already established their independent research programme in the field of intensive care and emergency medicine, and who can demonstrate a commitment to facilitate research training of young colleagues. The research proposal may rely on approaches ranging from basic cellular responses to outcome research, and may include clinical applications as well as translational science.

The Established Investigator Award allocates a grant amounting to 20,000€, which is also fully funded by ESICM.

2022 Awardee: Brendon Scicluna “Molecular Endotype Specific Dynamics of Lung Endothelial Barrier Integrity in Sepsis”.

ESICM Young Investigator Award

The ESICM Young Investigator Award supports the development of research activities undertaken with the active contribution of the applicant. It supports a research project conducted in Europe by an investigator under the age of 40 at the time of the application. The specific intent is to provide support for young and talented physicians/scientists that have the potential to become outstanding independent investigators in the field of intensive care. Research proposals may rely on approaches ranging from basic cellular responses to outcome research, and may include clinical applications as well as translational science.

The Young Investigator Award allocates a grant amounting to 20,000€, which is fully funded by ESICM. Only ESICM members aged 40 years or younger are invited to submit applications.

2022 Awardee: Thillo von Groote: “Proteomics and Artificial Intelligence: Joining forces to investigate renal recovery from acute kidney injury (AKI) in critically ill patients”.


NEXT Start-Up Grant

The NEXT Start-Up Grant supports the professional development of talented newly board-certified intensivists who already have a background in research and are willing to develop independent research programmes. The specific intent is to provide support for young and talented researchers/scientists who have the potential to become established independent investigators in the field of intensive care. Board-certified Intensive Care Physicians within 5-years from consultancy, who can demonstrate a solid background in research (e.g. PhD, MD, publications list/reference), are invited to apply. Applicants must demonstrate institutional support to facilitate research activities and professional development. Only ESICM members aged 42 years or younger are invited to submit applications

Research programme proposals may rely on approaches ranging from basic cellular responses to outcome research, and may include clinical applications, as well as translational science. Timetable and milestones definition are required. Research programme timetable specification, including milestones and objectives are also required at time of application.  A progress report should be submitted by the researcher to the Society after one year. Dissemination of results through ESICM events and journals, within three years following grant allocation, is required. There will also be long-term follow-up of professional development as an established independent researcher.

The NEXT Start-Up Grant allocates a grant amounting to 25,000€ per year for up to two years. This grant is fully funded by ESICM.

2022 Awardee: Simone Gattarello: “The role of fluid balance and mechanical ventilation in the genesis of Ventilator-Induced Lung Injury“.

ESICM Clinical Research Award

The Clinical Research Award supports a research project to be performed by an investigator in a clinical environment. Some aspects of the proposal may involve collaboration with research laboratories. However, applications that lack a clinical component will not be considered. Proposals may be based on approaches ranging from physiology, diagnostic procedures, therapeutic interventions, to epidemiologic studies and evaluation of practices.
The Clinical Research Award allocates a grant amounting to 20,000€, which is fully funded by ESICM.

2022 Awardee: Johannes Gratz: “Comparison of Anticoagulation Strategies using Unfractionated heparin, Argatroban and Low-molecular-weight heparin for ExtraCorporeal Membrane Oxygenation support (CASUAL ECMO Trial)”.

ESICM Transalational Research Award

The interdisciplinary field of translational science identifies and supports the adoption of best medical and health practices. By creating the Translational Research Award ESICM puts a spotlight on this area. The Translational Research Award allocates a grant amounting to 20,000€, which is fully funded by ESICM.

2022 Awardee: Giuseppe Ristagno: “Identifying the presence of an acute myocardial infarction during ongoing cardiopulmonary resuscitation in a preclinical porcine model of cardiac arrest“.

ESICM Basic Science Award

The Basic Science Award supports a research project to be performed by an investigator in a research laboratory. Approaches may vary topically from basic cellular and molecular physiology, cell biology, molecular biology and genetics to animal physiology and translational science.

The Basic Science Award allocates a grant amounting to 20,000€, which is also fully funded by ESICM.

2022 Awardee: 

 Lars Larsson: “Acquired myopathies associated with modern critical care. Effects of treatment with microvesiocles derived from mesenchymal stem cells.(Acquired ICU myopathies and stem cell treatment)“.

ESICM Fundamental Research Award

Groundbreaking intensive care treatments are so often discovered through fundamental research. The new Fundamental Research Award has been created to encourage exploratory research across the broad field of intensive care medicine.

The Fundamental Research Award is a sum of €20,000 and is fully funded by ESICM.

2022 Awardee:  Jan Gunst: “The role of ketones in mediating short- and long-term functional outcome in relation to glucose control in a relatively fasted state”.

ESICM Levi-Montalcini Biomedical Sciences Award

In order to foster progression of women in academic careers, this prize supports the development of research activities undertaken with the active contribution of a female applicant. The specific intent is to provide support for young and talented female physicians/scientists who have the potential to become outstanding independent investigators in the field of intensive care and emergency medicine. The research proposal may focus on approaches to topics ranging from basic cellular responses to outcome research, and may include clinical applications as well as translational science.

The Levi-Montalcini Biomedical Sciences Award allocates a grant amounting to 20,000€, which is also fully funded by ESICM.

2022 Awardee: Naomi Boyer “Peri Operative delLta rEnin ConcentrATion (POLECAT)”.

ESICM Multi-disciplinary Care Award

The Multi-Disciplinary Care Award has been created to support healthcare professionals who have identified areas of intensive care treatment where research is required and who have perhaps never before considered entering the field of research.

Applications are welcome from allied healthcare professionals of all disciplines relating to  intensive care.

The Multi-Disciplinary Care is a grant of €20,000 which is fully funded by ESICM.

2022 Awardee: Margo van Mol: “Digital Innovation in Personalized Aftercare for critical care survivors [DIPA-study]”.

ESICM – Jordi Mancebo – Fisher & Paykel Healthcare SAS Award on Physiology-based Management of Respiratory Failure

Projects must focus on the physiology and outcomes of less invasive respiratory support in acute respiratory failure. The  Fisher&Paykel SAS Healthcare award is €20,000 and is fully funded by Fisher&Paykel SAS Healthcare. Projects must be conducted in Europe. The proposals should include at least one country contributing to the design and / or conduct of the project.  

2022 Awardee: Luca Salvatore Menga: “Individualized respiratory support in patients with acute hypoxemic respiratory failure, the I-RESP study”.”