Assisted breathing in ARDS patients: replay available

Last updated : 18/11/2021 - 20 views

Assisted breathing in ARDS patients: replay available


Organised by the ESICM Acute Respiratory Failure (ARF) Section, this free webinar tackled the assessment of inspiratory effort and drive during assisted ventilation in ARDS and diaphragm function and weaning from mechanical ventilation in ARDS.

Learning Outcomes:

By attending this webinar you will gain deeper insights into:

• the role of diaphragm dysfunction during weaning failure
• the preventive and curative strategies of diaphragm dysfunction
• the risks and benefits of Spontaneous assisted breathing in ARDS
• applying the techniques to measure drive and effort in ventilated patients

The experts:


Dr Laurent BROCHARD ~ St. Michael’s Hospital, Toronto (CA)

Dr Martin DRES ~ Hôpital Pitié-Salpêtrière, Paris (FR)



Prof Claude GUÉRIN ~ University of Lyon (FR)