Antibiotic de-escalation (ADE): webinar replay available

Last updated : 07/06/2021 - 47 views

Antibiotic de-escalation (ADE): webinar replay available

ADE: how, why, what and how 


Antibiotic de-escalation (ADE) is a strategy to decrease the spectrum of the empirical antimicrobial regimen a few days into the treatment.

In this free webinar on June 3, organised by the ESICM Infections (INF) Section, our expert panel tackled how we define ADE in the critically ill, why we leverage it, what actions need to be taken and how.

You can watch the replay here.

Learning Outcomes:

Upon attendance of the webinar, you will be able to:

• know how to critically evaluate antibiotic de-escalation in the ICU patient
• identify the constraints for antibiotic de-escalation
• optimise ADE in your ICU as part of antibiotic stewardship

The Experts:


Dr Alexis TABAH – Intensivist and clinician researcher, Metro North Hospital and Health Service, Brisbane (AU). Lead author of the ESICM/ESCMID(ESGCIP) position statement ‘Antimicrobial de-escalation in the critically ill’. Current lead of Eurobact II study on hospital-acquired bloodstream infections.

Dr Liesbet DE BUS – Internist-intensivist, surgical ICU, Ghent University Hospital (BE). Co-principal investigator of the DIANA study, an ESICM-endorsed international, observational cohort study, investigating antimicrobial prescription and de-escalation in the critically ill.


Dr Jeroen SCHOUTEN – Intensivist, Radboud University Medical Centre, Nijmegen (NL). Head of the Antimicrobial Stewardship Programme at his institution. Chair at ESGAP, the ESCMID Study group on Antimicrobial Stewardship (AMS).