Podcast available: 30 minutes with…Prof Rinaldo Bellomo

Last updated : 14/12/2023 - 8 views

Podcast available: 30 minutes with…Prof Rinaldo Bellomo

Your questions – answered!


“30 minutes with…” is a new talk format where you have the opportunity to ask any question you might have to world-renowned experts in the field of Intensive Care Medicine.

After Prof Luciano Gattinoni and Prof Flavia Machado, this third session saw Prof Bellomo challenged on critical ICU topics by ESICM Secretary Lui Forni, who also moderated questions from the audience.

Between the years 2014-2018, Professor Bellomo was named one of the world’s most influential scientific minds of our time by Clarivate Analytics, identified as “influencing the future direction of their field, and of the world”, and “publishing work that their peers recognize as vital to the advancement of their science”.

He is the Editor-in-Chief of the Critical Care and Resuscitation journal.