30 minutes with…Prof Sheila Myatra

Last updated : 27/01/2022 - 18 views

30 minutes with…Prof Sheila Myatra

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“30 minutes with…” is the talk format where you can ask all your questions to world-renowned experts in the field of Intensive Care Medicine.

This session saw Prof Myatra challenged on critical ICU topics by ESICM President Maurizio Cecconi, who also moderated questions from the audience.

Sheila Myatra is the President-Elect of the Indian Society of Critical Care Medicine (ISCCM). She is the lead author of the first published ICU airway guideline – “Guidelines for Tracheal Intubation in the ICU” and the guideline on “Unanticipated Difficult Tracheal Intubation in Adults”. She conducted the first national sedation survey and is the lead author of the end of life care guidelines for India.