Format: Online
Dates: June 20, 2025
This virtual workshop aims at facilitating some of the latest insights into delivering effectively continuous medical education.
Shortage of personnel, inflation, climate change, sustainability, digital revolution with surveys reporting that 87% of Health Care Professionals (HCP) want a choice of digital/hybrid education, are only a few of the challenges of today.
In this context new educational approaches are required, which enable our educators to create the right content, deliver a personalised experience for HCP audiences and cater to their educational needs with a suitable format that accommodates any channel the audience uses. This approach necessitates an omnichannel strategy.
The workshop intends to bring useful insights that will help educators navigate these challenges.
The event will propose different topics for discussion every year to make the most of every minute.
Marco MAGGIORINI MD Professor & Chair of the Medical Intensive Care Unit, University Hospital, Zurich, Switzerland
Katerina RUSINOVA MD, PhD Head, Department of Palliative Medicine, First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University and General University Hospital, Prague, Czech Republic
• Needs assessment and measurement processes to understand impact and effectiveness in the rapidly evolving medical education landscape
• Delivering effectively online education
• Assessment (EDIC) vs EPA based evaluation
• How to write good MCQs/ Tricks and pitfalls in writing them
Intensive care educators, doctors, nurses, clinical pharmacists and allied health care professionals who are involved or about to join our faculties
An application will be made to the UEMS EACCME® for CME accreditation of this event.
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