Consolidating AMS practice and addressing AMR (May 13-14, 2025)


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ESICM launches a new learning pathway on Sepsis, Severe Infections and Stewardship. The pathway takes participants from a baseline level of knowledge (Level 1) and will systematically add skills and knowledge (Level 2 & 3).

Enrolment to the pathway is FREE OF CHARGE thanks to the support of bioMérieux. Enrolments open in January 2025, and allow participants to access all Self-learning Resources offered by the pathway.

The pathway also proposes 3 live events (2 online and 1 onsite).

  • Live event #1 (online): Consolidating clinical practice in Sepsis and Infections (March 25-26, 2025).
  • Live event #2 (online): Consolidating AMS practice and addressing AMR  (May 13-14, 2025)
  • Live event #3 (onsite): Developing expert practice in Sepsis, Severe Infections & Stewardship (pre-congress advanced course at LIVES 2025, October 25-26, 2025).

These events require separate registration. Priority will be given to pathway participants so please ensure that you enroll to the pathway when invited to do so.

REGISTER NOW for Live event #2 (online): Consolidating AMS practice and addressing AMR (May 13-14, 2025) for the special fee of 150 EUR.

Additionally, we recommend registering for the Live event #1 (online): Consolidating clinical practice in Sepsis and Infections (March 25-26, 2025). See here.

Important! Participation in the two live online events is a pre-requisite for fellowships and free entries to Live event #3.  

Registration fees: 150 EUR


Additional information

Registration fees

Sepsis & Severe Infections Pathway – Live Event (150 €)